Photo: Carolina Gutiérrez
Wildlife Health and Welfare
Focused on measuring and assessing the health and well-being of wild animals to establish baselines on the global health of different species.
Wildlife Diagnosis: Oriented to study diseases through paraclinical examinations and imaging support (radiology, ultrasound, tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).
Conservation Biology and Medicine
Through research carried out by interdisciplinary teams, it seeks to understand the various dynamics of today and their effect on the ecosystem and associated species, seeking to propose conservation and protection strategies.
Species Monitoring and Distribution: Identification of distribution areas and establishment of the threat category of species of interest.
Human-Animal Conflict
Aims to establish strategies to mitigate the conflict resulting from the coexistence of wildlife with human populations based on research. Likewise, implementation of projects to minimise road accidents in the Colombian territory.
Wildlife Trade and Consumption: Focused on the diagnosis and monitoring of fauna used illegally for commercialization purposes; either for consumption, sale of derived products or illegal possession.
Design, implementation and evaluation of educational programs and projects to raise awareness, dissemination and capacity building.
Conservation education: Management of educational programs and projects aimed at promoting social change from the development of values, attitudes and habits for the benefit of nature preservation.

Photo: Diana Villamil

Conservation of the Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus)
Our Parrot and Macaw Program is developing the Great Green Macaw Conservation Project. This project seeks to determine the number of macaws, their distribution in the country and the threats that face this critically endangered species.
First International Population Census
From September 29 to October 3, 2022 and 2023, the first and second international census of the Great Green Macaw was carried out in several countries of South and Central America. The objective of the census was to increase the information on the wild populations of the species. Thanks to the support of the Macaw Recovery Network and Colombia's Natural National Parks, Horizon Conservation had the opportunity to participate in this activity. The results were amazing! We found a total of 12 individuals (which complement the existing records within the Paramillo National Natural Park), and we were able to locate a feeding area and two possible nesting sites for the species, which is extremely important to understand how the Great Green Macaw is using the available resources in the area.
Conservation actions:
To contribute to the conservation of the Great Green Macaw, we are currently seeking funding to continue exploring the ecology and threats the species face; hopefully, with the community, we will contribute to their conservation.
However, we cannot do it alone, so if you want to contribute to the development of this project, you can support us by spreading our conservation message or by donating here:
ECOpossums Project
Today, ultrasound scans have proven invaluable for wildlife conservation efforts, mainly because they provide critical information about animals’ health and reproductive status. This information can be used to develop effective conservation strategies to protect and preserve endangered species.
Currently, our Animal Health program is developing the Opossum Ultrasound Project. The Opossums are seed dispersal and Nature’s “pest” control. However, these important animals are frequently rescued due to roadkill or human–wildlife conflict.
The development of this project seeks to establish, through a technique of exploration of the internal organs of the body of the Opossums, health parameters that allow us to identify and treat medically the diseases and injuries that may affect the species.
Knowing about a species is critical to saving it! If you want to contribute to the development of this project, you can support us by spreading our conservation message through your social media or by donating here: